High School Drawings

When we moving from Texas back to New Hampshire, I found an old portfolio from high school, and it had a handful of drawings in it. I know I used to draw almost every day back then, so I have no idea what happened to the bulk of that stuff. But these few were still floating around. So I scanned them for you all to see. Apparently, I was really into drawing hands and eyes at the time. Sometimes when I see some of my old sketches, it makes me wish I still had time to draw now. But it looks like Sean is turning into our little artist, so maybe I can live vicariously through him. :)

One thought on “High School Drawings”

  1. I was reading a history of the Brooklyn Bridge a little while ago, and Tammany Hall had a big part in the history of the bridge. And when I was reading about them, I remembered a picture of a tiger around a bowl of money that you drew as an editorial cartoon for Mrs. Barlett’s class, whatever that was. History or Social Studies. So there you go. History.

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