
Lori and Carter made brownies last Wednesday, while Sean was at school. Carter got to lick the spoons while the brownies were baking. Once finished, those brownies lasted less than 48 hours in this house. That might even be a new record.

Halloween 2009

As usual, we've got exactly one picture from Halloween. For some reason Sean refused to wear his Hulk mask, even though he had worn it no problem at the Halloween parties at the library and his school. But he still had fun. This was the first year where we didn't have to accompany the kids all the way to the door - we could stand 10 or 20 feet back, and let them go up to the door themselves. I think they loved the independence.

42 Words of Wisdom: #15

"Today must be a Thursday. I could never get the hang of Thursdays."

- Douglas Adams

Nothing incredibly deep or insightful in this one - just a bit of mid-week silliness. How is your Thursday going?

Acorn and Oreo

For a few months now, Sean has given the two of us nicknames - he is acorn, and I am oreo. I have no idea where or how he came up with this. He just suddenly started it one day, and he's stuck with it. No deep insights or anything. Just something cute that I wanted to share. Carry on.

Carter’s Blanket

On Sunday, I finished Carter's blanket. Just like Sean's, it is made from all of her old t-shirts. It came out good enough, I suppose, but not as good as Sean's. In order to make her's large enough to cover her (infant t-shirts are pretty small, even though I had a decent-sized pile), I had to use pieces of a polka-dotted purple sheet as 'filler' between the t-shirt tiles. But trying to sew jersey material to a cotton sheet was a huge pain the rumpus. All-in-all, though, I'm sure Carter loves it - and that's all that really matters.


Lori drew a hopscotch board (do you call it a 'board'?) on the driveway Friday afternoon, and the kids spent some time enjoying it. especially love this shot of Carter - she lands her jump with authority! What conviction!


The kids were playing a wrestling, hugging, kissing game the other night. No real story behind this one - I just thought that it was a sweet picture. They spend so much time arguing, it's really nice to see them getting along.

The Ladybug Invasion

Two nights ago I came home from work to the announcement that we were being invaded by ladybugs. The day before, there wasn't a single ladybug in the house. The next morning - dozens. I rounded up and released almost thirty ladybugs that night before the numbers got low enough that I could ignore the rest. Carter followed me around the house, serving as my "ladybug spotter". She's got sharp eyes.

Subtle Differences

So we are about to start the goodnight show for the kids' bedtime wind-down, when Sean says "Mom, where is my milk?". Lori is outside getting the dogs to come in, so Carter says to him "I will get it for you, Sean." She brings it to him as he's watching the show, and he distractedly mumbles to her, "Thank you, mommy". To which Carter replies "I'm not Mom, silly." So just to keep it going, I say to her "Are you sure? You look like Mom to me!". She looks at me and says "No....I'm not Mom. I have a different shirt!" As though she thinks that the only way that I can tell my daughter and my wife apart is by their wardrobes. So cute!