Scenes from Space #42

Check out these beautiful sculptural clouds of dust in the Rosette Nebula (NGC 2244). The Rosette Nebula spans about 50 light-years, and lies about 4,500 light-years away.

An Evening Outdoors

We set up the sprinkler for Sean tonight, and he loved it. We had tried to get him to play in it last summer, but I think it spooked him a little bit - he would get near it, but not actually in the water. This time he just marched in and laughed. I also got some great pictures of Lori and Carter, my two favorite babes.

Swims Like a …. Log?

We all went down to the river on Memorial Day to give Sean a chance to get wet. It had been raining like crazy here, and the river was running pretty high and muddy. But that didn't slow him down one bit! As soon as we got within sight of the river, he marched right in, sat down, and started playing. At one point while walking around in the river, Sean tripped. He fell face first in the river, and immediately went into a "dead man's float". He just lay there, floating. Lori picked him up, and he didn't even cough or splutter. So he must have held his breath. I'm of the opinion that he just floated instead of trying to stand up because he must have opened his eyes underwater, and was checking everything out. But the most encouraging thing was that even though he went under, he didn't panic or get even a little scared. He actually seemed to enjoy it. So maybe he's ready to learn to swim.


As you can see, she hasn't quite taken to Grampy yet.

Just kidding, she LOVES him!

Hanging Out

Little by little, Sean is getting more interested in playing around (but not quite with) his sister. Still, one step at a time, right?

Ron Mueck

You've got check out the work of Australian sculptor Ron Mueck. His work is amazingly realistic, and sometimes it is only the scale of the piece that gives away its artificial nature. The link above will take you to an article about a exhibition of his work at the Brooklyn Museum, and this link will take you to the Wiki page about him.

Scenes from Space #41

Check out this amazing shot of Europa (one of Jupiter's moons) rising above the Jovian horizon. This image was taken by the New Horizons spacecraft during its fly-by of Jupiter on its way to Pluto. I did some work on New Horizons, and I'm very proud to have been part of what has so far been a very successful misson.

The Great White Tooth

We've got news - Carter is cutting teeth! Her two front ones, on the bottom. No pictures yet, but you can see them coming through her gums. Should only be a week or so until you will see her toothy little grin on this site. We didn't notice them right away because she hasn't been complaining at all about them yet. Hopefully that bodes well for the rest of her teeth to come, but I'm not counting on it. :)

Tubby Time

Last night Carter got her first bath in the big-girl tub. Worried that she might not quite like it, we thought we'd put her in with Sean to distract her. It was pretty cute - she idolizes her big brother. She spent the whole time watching every move he made in rapt attention. And for his part, he hardly noticed that she was there, unless she was between him and a rubber duck and he had to climb around her.

Our Mother’s Day Outing

For mother's day we went to the park for a picnic. We brought lunch and a blanket, and sat down by the river. Sean spent the whole time waist-deep in the water, and by the time we persuaded him to come out his teeth were chattering, and his feet were blue and pruney. Carter was tireless in her determination to get a rock into her mouth. I think she thought that because we were trying so hard to stop her, they must in fact be delicious - which made her try all the harder. The weather was perfect - high 70's, clear skies, and a slight breeze. We couldn't have asked for a nicer day. Hopefully this is the first of a series of weekend outings to come.